The Victorian Government delivers a range of programs that support businesses seeking to improve their energy management. This includes:

In addition to this, Sustainability Victoria exists to facilitate and promote environmental sustainability, and has many resources that support businesses with improving energy and resources efficiency.

Explore the latest discounts and incentives for businesses in Victoria here and here.

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Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund

The $31 million Business Recovery Energy Efficiency Fund (BREEF) aims to provide simultaneous grant funding to businesses for both capital works and energy demand management technologies.

The Government’s BREEF program will support business projects looking at ways of reducing energy use.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • increase energy productivity and reduce energy costs for Victoria’s large energy users;

  • accelerate the uptake of innovative energy efficiency and demand management technologies in the Victorian industrial and commercial sectors and participation in demand-side opportunities; and

  • create jobs through the implementation of equipment, systems and process upgrades that manage energy costs, supporting new sustainable employment.

BREEF also includes a further $7 million for Energy Demand Management Grants, which covers both the capital cost of equipment that can enable demand response, and services such as energy audits, professional advice and implementation of energy management.

If you want to access these grants, you'll need to develop your proposals as soon as possible. There will only be two rounds of funding, with applications closing on:

  • Phase 1: 2pm on 31 December 2020

  • Phase 2: 2pm on 31 January 2021

Circular Economy Business Innovation Centre (CEBIC)

In February 2020, the Victorian Government announced Recycling Victoria – A new economy (RV). This 10-year, over $300 million investment and action plan will transform Victoria’s waste and recycling system.

RV recognises that Victorian businesses are central in the transition to a circular economy and details a commitment to improving business productivity, reducing waste and accelerating innovation.

Energy advice for business

The Victorian Government has a number of different resources available to support businesses in learning about their energy and helping to increase efficiency and save money.

Environmental Upgrade Finance (EUF)

Victorian businesses can upgrade their buildings to be more energy efficient, sustainable and climate resilient with environmental upgrade finance (EUF).

Learn more about EUF by reading the the EUF 101, and find Victoria-specific advice via the link below. 

Sustainability Victoria

Sustainability Victoria works with businesses and industry to help change inefficient practices to reduce energy costs and boost business productivity. Follow the topics below to access more information:

Victorian Energy compare

Victorian Energy Compare is a free, independent energy price comparison tool run by the Victorian Governments. It uses information you provide about both your energy bills to help find the best energy offers.

Small Business Energy Saver Program

The Small Business Energy Saver Program provides a bonus for small businesses, discounting the cost to upgrade to more energy-efficient equipment.

Energy-efficient equipment can save your business on running costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Small businesses must:

  • have 1 to 19 employees

  • have a commercial (non-residential) premises.

This program is not available for primary producers in agriculture.

The program assists small businesses to implement upgrades which will lower their operational costs.

Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program

This Victorian Government program helps businesses and households cut power bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It does this by providing access to discounted energy-efficient products and services.

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