Energy consumption research
From time to time the Energy Efficiency Council and it’s partners undertake research to support energy users with improving their energy management.
Determining office tenancies energy end use - November 2020
Between July and October 2020 CitySwitch signatories participated in a survey that was used to create a model of office tenancies energy consumption.
The results from that research are referenced in the upcoming sector spotlight for office-based businesses, and are being used to influence future policy and programs to support office tenancies with lowering their energy consumption.
Key results can be seen below:
Estimated office tenancy energy consumption breakdown, excluding supplementary heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC)
Estimated breakdown of office equipment energy consumption in office tenancies
You can also watch the afternoon briefing from the National Energy Efficiency Conference, which included a presentation from George Wang, Manager - Energy and Climate Change at Point Advisory on the key findings of the research.
The research is not yet public as some additional onsite sub-metering is being undertaken in April 2021 to validate the results around supplementary heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC). Once that has been completed, the report will be made publicly available.
For more information on the research, contact the Energy Efficiency Council at