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Welcome to the third edition of the energy briefing update!

If you’re not yet familiar with this newsletter for businesses looking to manage the risks – and capture the opportunities – of Australia’s energy transition, each quarter the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) brings you practical, up-to-date information on grant opportunities, energy markets and energy policy.

It’s been a busy few months for energy and carbon news, with electricity and gas prices surging, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releasing the Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis, and Australia’s largest energy user – Tomago Aluminium – announcing that the business is aiming to switch to 100% renewables in 2029.

This edition unpacks all of that and deep dives into industry best practice from Aussie farmers who are leveraging smart energy management to improve their productivity and competitiveness. This follows last week’s launch of the farms sector spotlight by the EEC and the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF).

In addition, we’ve released the first in a series of animations that explains what Australia’s energy transition means to business. Over the coming months we’ll explain everything from energy efficiency, energy management systems and net zero, supporting businesses with navigating Australia’s dynamic energy landscape.

We want to support as many businesses as possible, so:

  • Please share this email far and wide – any business can subscribe to receive future updates for free by clicking here;

  • If you think your industry or professional association would like to share some or all of this content with members, please reach out to us directly; and

  • Don’t forget to check out all the other great resources at energybriefing.org.au.

With kind regards,

Holly Taylor
Senior Manager, Industry Development
Energy Efficiency Council

Follow Holly on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn

Smart energy management does much more than reduce costs for leading Australian farmers

Last week the EEC and NFF released Navigating a dynamic energy landscape: a briefing for farms at an exclusive webinar. Learn more about how leading farms are leveraging smart energy management to improve their productivity and competitiveness.

Read on…

National policy update

In the past quarter new and extended government programs have been introduced, and we’ve had the international community drop the latest on climate science.

Read on…

navigating a dynamic energy landscape animation

National Energy Markets

Keen to learn the latest developments on Australian energy markets? Read on…

Grants and incentives - what's new and what's closing soon?

Browse the latest grants and other support available to business from government.


There are wealth of resources available on energybriefing.org.au for businesses, including the most recent version of the briefing for Australian businesses, sector spotlights and energy 101s, as well as other relevant resources from the Energy Efficiency Council and leading industry partners.


This is the third edition of the energy briefing quarterly update. Future editions will be available at energybriefing.org.au/quarterly-updates

To receive future editions straight into your inbox, please:


About Navigating a dynamic energy landscape

There is an enormous amount of information on energy in the public domain, yet it can be hard for business leaders to extract what matters for their businesses.

Navigating a dynamic energy landscape: a briefing for Australian businesses is an executive-level briefing designed to cut through the noise and help businesses confidently navigate Australia’s dynamic energy landscape.

The sector spotlights and other resources that accompany the briefing exist to support this aim.

This initiative is delivered by the Energy Efficiency Council with the support of industry and the NSW Department of Industry, Planning and Environment.

To learn more visit energybriefing.org.au.