STATE-based farmers’ associations

While there is a national farmer’s association, there are state-based organisations as well. Click through by state to find a farmers’ association to support your farm with navigating the energy transition:

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NSW Farmers

NSW Farmers is an Association of farmers and stakeholders of the agricultural industry. Its members gather in branches right across NSW to discuss the issues affecting their businesses and to learn about agricultural topics.

T: (02) 9478 1000

Northern Territory Farmers Association

NT Farmers are the trusted and effective representative for farmers in the Northern Territory. They support and represent established and emerging agribusinesses through: effective advocacy, driving research, development, extension and marketing to meet opportunities and challenges, member and stakeholder engagement and services.

T: (08) 8983 3233

AgForce Queensland

AgForce is a peak organisation representing Queensland's rural producers. It exists to ensure the long-term growth, viability, competitiveness, and profitability of broadacre industries of cattle, grain, cane, sheep and wool in Queensland.

T: (07) 3236 3100


Queensland Farmer’s Federation

QFF is a federation that represents the interests of peak state and national agriculture industry organisations, which in turn collectively represent more than 13,000 primary producers across the state.

T: (07) 3837 4720


Primary Producers SA

Primary Producers SA’s vision is for a strong and viable primary production sector in South Australia, which is valued by government and the community.

T: 08 8297 0899


Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association

The Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA) is the peak body representing the interests of Tasmanian farmers at a state and national level. Its purpose is to provide a united voice to communicate with governments at all levels, along with other industry stakeholders. 

T: (03) 6332 1800


Victorian Farmer’s Federation

The Victorian Farmers Federation is an active interest group dedicated to the interests of farmers and making a difference to communities. With a strong record of successful political advocacy and leadership, the VFF has generated substantial benefits for the agriculture sector since its formation in 1979.

T: 1300 882 833


WA Farmers

WAFarmers represents the voice of farmers throughout Western Australia and is continually working towards a more viable, profitable and sustainable future for the agricultural industry.

T: (08) 9486 2100


Pastoralists and Graziers Association of WA (PGA)

To ensure the prosperity and long term viability of members, the PGA provides an effective voice statewide and federally through a financially sound, efficient, free enterprise organisation with strong leadership.

T: (08) 9212 6900

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