Resources for farms by jurisdiction

Industry and governments around the country have developed a number of guides that can support your farm with energy management opportunities in specific technologies and sectors. Browse below to learn more.

QFF energy savers

QFF Energy Savers has compiled a detailed breakdown of information and resources on reducing your on-farm energy consumption. Click through for more.

QFF reducing carbon emissions on farm

The Energy Savers program has been helping farmers identify energy savings on farm which also reduce carbon emissions. Find more info from QFF.

Energy smart farming

Energy Smart Farming provides a catalyst for practice change, increased adoption and understanding of efficient and renewable energy technologies that improve farm productivity and resilience. Click for articles, webinars and more.

Farm energy forums and training

NSW DPI, in conjunction with various branches of government and industry, host a series of large rural community forums focusing on energy related opportunities for the agricultural sector in the 21st Century. Find out more.

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