ARENA’s purpose is to improve the competitiveness of renewable energy technologies and increase the supply of renewable energy through innovation that benefits Australian consumers and businesses.

ARENA’s purpose is to accelerate Australia’s shift to affordable and reliable renewable energy. ARENA enables more renewables and lower emissions by driving innovation and commercialisation. By funding projects and sharing knowledge, we improve the competitiveness of renewable energy and support the transformation of Australia’s energy mix benefiting the Australian economy, industry and wider community.

ARENA’s support for innovation and the commercialisation of renewable energy technology provides options to reduce future greenhouse gas emissions at least cost which enhances Australia’s ability to transition to a low emissions economy.


ARENA Knowledge Bank

The Knowledge Bank is an open-source library of reports, studies, multimedia and tools that provide guidance and learnings to benefit future renewable energy projects.

Click to view ARENA videos here, or click below to access other resources



ARENAWIRE brings you the latest news, discussion and analysis across the renewable energy industry. Through this channel we share blogsvideospodcasts and other content to keep you up-to-date with all the important developments.

Established in 2017, ARENAWIRE publishes regular stories on our blog, which we compile into a monthly email to subscribers. Sign up here if you haven’t already.


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